Where ongoing water crises are happening in the US right now - Aquatech Elite

Where ongoing water crises are happening in the US right now

Houston, Texas is not the first U.S. city facing issues accessing clean water. Ongoing crises across the country have highlighted the continued fight for access to clean drinking water. Many of the cities or regions experiencing poor water access or conditions are in predominantly Black or Hispanic communities, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

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America is in a water crisis - Aquatech Elite

America is in a water crisis, but help is on the way

The United States’ drinking water shortage is complex and growing. Potable water, traditionally drawn from surface and ground sources, gives people clean water to drink, cook with, and bathe in. Of the issues surrounding clean water access, two huge factors at play are droughts and an ever-increasing reliance on shrinking sources. In states surrounded by water,

America is in a water crisis, but help is on the way Read More »

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