What You Need To Know

Properly conditioning the water in your home can be a tricky business, but when it’s done right, it will dramatically improve the quality of your life.

The first thing you need to know is that everyone’s water is different, even if it originates from the same source.

THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT WE WILL TEST YOUR WATER FOR FREE.That is why it is so important to have your water professionally analyzed, prior to purchasing any type of water filtration system. The good news is that we will test your water for free.

Free In-Home Water Analysis - Aquatech Elite Systems

When conditioning your water, there are three major categories to be aware of.

Those categories are:

  • Chemicals

  • Heavy Metals

  • Hardness

There is no single form of filtration that will address all of these issues, so let’s take a look at each one.


Most city water is treated with heavy amounts of disinfectant byproducts, things like Chloramine and Chloriform.

The problem with this is that when Chlorine mixes with other compounds in water, it creates other chemicals, as a result. Miny of these chemicals fall under the heading of “Trihalomethanes”.

Trihalomethanes are toxic, and can be hazardous to your health.

Heavy Metals

Because the pipes in many cities are old, it is very common to find heavy metal deposits in water that is provided to most residential homes.

Heavy metals can occur naturally from ground water, so, if your municipality uses a well as it’s source, or if you have a private well, it is important to have your water tested for these contaminants.


What is hard water? Hard water means that you have excessive amounts of minerals, (Calcium and Magnesium), which create sediment in your water. The reason it’s called “Hard Water” is because there are tiny amounts of rock and dirt present, making the water feel “hard”.

This is very damaging to your plumbing, appliances, dishes, and virtually anything that hard water comes in contact with, including your skin and hair

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